Today we are blogging about Chapter 3 of the #5practices book study. For more information read here #5practices Book Study. Each Tuesday morning I will post a chapter summary with discussion questions, reflections, and a link up for you to share your blog post. Please make sure you read and share comments on others' posts. Don't feel you have to follow the structure as set up when writing your post. If you prefer to just blog about what you read, do that. The discussion questions will be prompts for anyone looking for some guidance as to what to blog about. There is no right or wrong way to participate. Use #5practices on Twitter to also share your blog post. Any twitter discussion about the reading should include the same hashtag. If there is interest in a scheduled twitter chat time to discuss the reading, we can decide on that as we go. If you are not active on twitter now is a great time to start, or you can just link up with your blog posts if you prefer.
This chapter was analyzing an 8th grade lesson where students solved a tiling a patio problem. The mathematical ideas the teacher wanted her students to understand were: linear functions grow at a constant rate, there are different but equivalent ways of writing an explicit rule that defines the relationship between two variables, and the rate of change of a linear function can be highlighted in different representational forms.
First off I could not believe they talked about an overhead projector being used. Do people still use those? I know I'm getting sidetracked from the point of this post, but back in the day I LOVED my overhead projector, but I've had a SMARTBoard for the past 6 years and it just struck me as so old school to be still using an overhead. I'm not judging and told you I had much love for my projector, I guess this book has a 2011 copyright so it's plausible. OK sorry, but I'm just curious how many people still use an overhead.
Alright back on task. The chapter basically walked us through her lesson and interactions with students. It showed evidence of use of several of the 5 Practices by the teacher. This chapter did a good job of showing how the 5 Practices work build on each other and work to support the orchestration of a productive discussion. It really shows how much planning goes into a lesson before (anticipating) and during (monitoring, selecting,sequencing, connecting) the lesson itself. I liked seeing the progression through an actual lesson.
This week I'm not posting any discussion questions, feel free to post your own discussion questions in your blog posts.
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