Month of March School TO DO List:
To Do:
1) Assemble CC teacher binders by domains (√)
1) Assemble CC teacher binders by domains (√)
2) Choose and complete at least ONE Pinterest inspired project (√)
3) Make Core Plus 4th Quarter class lists (√)
4) Plan Core Plus Activities-Enrichment/Intervention (√)
5) 2011/2012 Budget-turn in receipts (√)
To Lesson Plan:
1) Geometry (7th grade PLC work) (√)
2) Statistics and Probability (7th grade PLC work) (√)
3) Blend CC with our MathThematics Modules (√)
To Organize:
1) Space and shelves behind teacher desk (#1 Priority!) (in progress)
2) Organize papers in crates (√)
3) Declutter five boxes
4) Paper Clutter
To Create:
1) Open a teacher online store and post at least one item (baby steps)
2) Dum-dum sucker tree
3) Daily Review warm-ups
4) Fun Activities-minute to win it?
To Assess:
1) Exit slips
2) Pre-assessments for differentiation
3) Standards based CC assessments
To Grow Professionally:
1) Continue to read professional books (Guided Math)
2) Take Co-teaching class (√)
3) Continue with liaison responsibilities (√)
I featured you on my blog today. Hop on over to check it out. :)
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