Long time no blog. I don't know how you teachers who blog regularly do it. I admire you greatly, but I just cannot find the time to blog everyday, or every week it seems. I promise I will TRY to be a more consistent blogger!
I have been doing lots of great things in my math classes and have many new things to share with all of you, so stay tuned for some upcoming posts from me that will share ideas and strategies that you can easily adapt and implement in your own classroom.
Today I am sharing the bulletin board I just finished putting up today. Our 7th grade blue house has a bulletin board at the entrance to the 7th grade pod. Each quarter I like to offer at least one extra credit opportunity for students. This saves me from students constantly asking for extra credit or begging for it the last week of the quarter. My mantra is, if you want extra credit you better do it when I offer it.
For second quarter the extra credit option is to do a coordinate graphing picture of either a tree or a fireplace. In addition there is a decorating contest for anyone who wants to win a free assignment pass. The students who want to be in the contest color there pictures and bling them out however they choose. The students who want the extra credit, but don't want to be in the contest, just do the coordinate graphing (the kids who do the contest also get the extra credit).
Today I had teachers choose their top four pictures for the tree and the fireplace. I put a post-it note on each picture and they made a tally mark on the post it of each of their top four pictures for tree and fireplace. I also had some Peppermint Joe-Joe's as a treat for all teachers that helped judge. It is always nice to provide a treat to teachers when they help you out with something like this. That way the next time you ask for volunteers you will have no shortage of willing help.
The full effect |
Left side close up |
Right side close up |
A close up of a tree |
Close up of a fireplace
Hope this puts you in the Christmas spirit! Fa-la-la-la-la